Saturday, October 25, 2008

Diamond Engagement Rings

Engagement rings are traditionally known as a symbol of love and proposing. When a man asks a woman for her hand in marriage and in life, this ring is offered. Tradtionally, any ring is usable because the ring itself is a continuous loop symbolizing eternity. But as victims of society, now every man is pressured to use the most expensive piece he can afford, typically a diamond ring. The general rule of thumb is two to three month’s salary to show his dedication and sincerity.

Diamond rings became a tradition when the first one was given by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. Now it’s become a widely practiced ritual by nearly every culture in the world. More than 250 tons of earth is mined before a single 1 carat gem quality diamond is uncovered. The best quality diamonds are usually set into platinum bands for people who perfer the best of the best.

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